Wicked Ridge Rampage XS
Equipped with a lighted scope and 3 and-a-half-pound trigger, the Rampage XS is our lightest crossbow ever at 5.8-pounds and is a full-blooded American crossbow ready to hunt hard and get the job done. The Rampage XS is available in two different options. NEW Tactical Stock with an AR-style adjustable butt stock and Rope-Sled: Features an adjustable butt stock that locks in six positions and allows for up to 2.5-inches of extra adjustability in five different 1/2-inch increments XS Stock with built in ACUdraw Cocking Device: Whereas all other affordable crossbows require the user to take the crank on and off the crossbow in between shots, the Wicked Ridge’s ACUdraw cocking device is integrated in the stock so you never have to worry about forgetting or losing it. The ACUdraw reduces the cocking effort to a mere 5-pounds – allowing you to effortlessly and accurately cock the crossbow. While all other affordable crossbow brands require a world map to show you where they are built, we know that now, more than ever, nothing beats an American Built crossbow with superior features.
Package Includes:
•Optics: TenPoint Pro-View Illuminated Scope
•Cocking Device: ACUdraw or Rope Sled Cocking Aid
•Quiver: 3-Arrow Instant Detach Quiver
•Arrows: 3-Match 400Carbon Arrows (.004” straightness)
Length: 31.5"
Width - Axle-to-Axle (un-cocked /cocked): 19" / 15"
Power Stroke: 13.5"
Weight (lbs.) (w/o accessories): 5.8
Draw Weight (lbs.): 185 LBS.
Wicked Ridge Match 400 Carbon Arrow (400-grain): 390 FPS / 135 FP KE